Golden Kaleidoscope Sunrise Over Lake Wausau

by Dale Kauzlaric
Golden Kaleidoscope Sunrise Over Lake Wausau
Dale Kauzlaric
Photograph - Fine Art Photography
Golden Kaleidoscope Sunrise Over Lake Wausau by Dale Kauzlaric -- I got up early on this September morning to go to Lake Wausau in Wausau, Marathon County, Wisconsin, thinking I would get the smoky red sun from the western fires. As I was driving to Lake Wausau, I could see the rather heavy cloud cover and thought not what I wanted. It appeared the smoke from the western fires was gone for the most part. However, the clouds really had a neat structure to them and things were looking up with this unique look. The wind was at my back, so the reflection to the east was good. The sunrise turned into a golden kaleidoscope. -- dalekphotography.com
September 18th, 2020
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Angelo Marcialis
Congratulations Dale, your outstanding capture is being featured this week on the Home Page of the FAA Group "The Magic Hour Of Blue And Gold Photography". To ensure that your feature remains archived properly, please post your image in the group's “Featured Images And Thank You’s: Thread #3 November/2020, located in the Discussions Threads. You may also post your own individual “Thank You For The Feature(s)” threads, with the understanding that you must continue to post your thank- you’s and featured images in the Official “Featured Images And Thank You’s: Thread #3 November/2020” first.