Kenosha Lighthouse Dawn

by Dale Kauzlaric
Kenosha Lighthouse Dawn
Dale Kauzlaric
Photograph - Fine Art Photography
Kenosha Lighthouse Dawn by Dale Kauzlaric -- Although there were no clouds at dawn on this spring day, the horizon was very colorful. There was not much of a wind, but the waves were rolling in from the east past the Kenosha Lighthouse located in Kenosha, Wisconsin. -- dalekphotography.com
April 6th, 2015
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Comments (18)

Gary F Richards 27 Days Ago
Outstanding Kenosha Lighthouse Dawn composition, lighting, shading, color and artwork! F/L voted

Dale Kauzlaric
Thank you to the collector from Elgin, Illinois, for purchasing a canvas print of Kenosha Lighthouse Dawn. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did taking it.

Randy Rosenberger
It is a true honor and privilege to FEATURE this creative and wondrous piece of art work on the WFS site. This awesome piece of beauty is what we are looking for to promote. Your works are some of the Best of the Best in my Book! Thanks much for sharing this beauty with us. Liked Forever, Elvis