Late Afternoon Reflection

by Dale Kauzlaric
Late Afternoon Reflection
Dale Kauzlaric
Photograph - Fine Art Photography
Late Afternoon Reflection by Dale Kauzlaric -- It was a calm late afternoon with a beautiful sunset over the waterfowl refuge located in the Mead Wildlife Area near Mosinee, Wisconsin. After a while, the blackbirds started to fly over the sun's reflection. -- dalekphotography.com
January 29th, 2015
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Comments (7)

Angelo Marcialis
Congratulations Dale, your Fine Art Photograph is a FEATURED IMAGE this week on the Home Page of the FAA Group "The Magic Hour Of Blue And Gold Photography". To ensure that your feature is archived properly, I invite you to post your photograph in the group's “Featured Photographs And Thank You Thread #6 February/2021”, located in the Discussions link. You are invited to post your own personal “Thank You For the Feature” separately as a new entry in the Discussion thread as well.

Dale Kauzlaric
Thank you to the collector from Sussex, Wisconsin, I appreciate you buying a print of this image.

Mary Chris Hines
Oh my this is gorgeous! Great capture! Congratulations on your sale! l/fv
Dale Kauzlaric replied:
Mary Chris, thank you for looking and the congratulations, they are appreciated.