Reefpoint Marina Square Format

by Dale Kauzlaric
Reefpoint Marina Square Format
Dale Kauzlaric
Photograph - Fine Art Photography
Reefpoint Marina Square Format by Dale Kauzlaric -- Here is Reefpoint Marina located in Racine, Wisconsin, as it looked on a very cloudy afternoon before a storm, shown in a square format.
First place award in FAA Midwest America Photography group's Marina Contest. -- dalekphotography.com
July 23rd, 2015
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Comments (6)

Dale Kauzlaric
Thank you to the collector from Orlando who purchased two prints of Reefpoint Marina, it is appreciated!

Jenny Revitz Soper
CONGRATULATIONS! It is my great pleasure to FEATURE your fabulous artwork on the homepage of the Artist Group No Place Like Home, 2/17/2017! You are invited to post it in the Group's Features Discussion thread for posterity or any other thread!

David T Wilkinson
Dale, a winning marina image! Congratulations on the FIRST PLACE tie in the MARINAS IN MIDWEST AMERICA PHOTOGRAPHY Contest and on the HONORED GUEST ARTIST spotlight on the MIDWEST AMERICA PHOTOGRAPHY Group homepage.