Spring Gobbler

by Dale Kauzlaric
Spring Gobbler
Dale Kauzlaric
Photograph - Fine Art Photography
Spring Gobbler by Dale Kauzlaric -- All this strutting and no one is paying attention to me, he seemed to be saying. This bird is part of a flock of 3 dozen eastern wild turkeys located in Marathon County, Wisconsin. This guy was walking along and strutting up a storm and all the hens were interested in, were preening themselves after the rain. It is amazing how these guys can change the color of their heads. He went from a bright white snowcone head to the blue and red. This is at least a three year old tom, as he has a unique multiple beard that is obvious when he is not strutting. He was around last year with this unique beard, that was the same length, so I know he is at least 3 years old. A tom with a multiple beard is fairly rare, most only have a single beard. This is the first time I have seen him strut this year, so now spring is here! -- dalekphotography.com
March 31st, 2016