Summer At The Dells of The Eau Claire

by Dale Kauzlaric
Summer At The Dells of The Eau Claire
Dale Kauzlaric
Photograph - Fine Art Photography
Summer At The Dells of The Eau Claire by Dale Kauzlaric -- I went to the Eau Claire Dells Park located northeast of Wausau, Wisconsin, on the first day of summer after we had over 2 inches of rain. The flow was as I expected, it was roaring with a lot of foam. Here is the main flow heading over the main rock formation. The Ice Age Trail is located in the park. This image was taken after sunset, giving much of the water the blue color with the reflection of the darkening sky. This is a panoramic of 2 images. -- dalekphotography.com
First place tie in Panoramic Rivers contest (206 images) - February 2, 2022.
June 21st, 2017
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Comments (13)

Dale Kauzlaric
Thank you to the collector from Newnan, GA, for purchasing a print of the Eau Claire Dells!

Tim Abeln
Beautiful work! It looks like blending the two images smoothed out the water a bit more than on the far left and right sides. The water beeing silky smooth in some places and a bit more contrasty in other places gives a nice effect, emphasises the wildness.
Dale Kauzlaric replied:
Thank you, Tim, I just could not capture the overall expanse of the area in one image, but perfect for two images.