The Golden Hen

by Dale Kauzlaric
The Golden Hen
Dale Kauzlaric
Photograph - Fine Art Photography
The Golden Hen by Dale Kauzlaric -- This eastern wild turkey was seen near Wausau, located in Marathon County, Wisconsin. This is the "Golden Hen", at least that is what I am calling her. Her wings are this gold color, as opposed to a normal gray wing. She also has more color on her back and tail. She was around with some other hens last spring. The turkeys by us, spend the winter and then when the snow melts, they leave and I never saw her the rest of the year. A couple of weeks ago, she came back with 4 other hens. The sad part is that none of these hens had any surviving little ones this year, that probably is not a good sign. So, apparently she didn't lay the golden egg. It was cool and rainy in June, that is not good for poult survival. -- dalekphotography.com
November 1st, 2019