Storm Cloud And Golden Glow Over Lake Wausau

by Dale Kauzlaric
Storm Cloud And Golden Glow Over Lake Wausau
Dale Kauzlaric
Photograph - Fine Art Photography
Storm Cloud And Golden Glow Over Lake Wausau by Dale Kauzlaric -- I went and sat on Lake Wausau in Wausau, Marathon County, Wisconsin, for the sunset and glad I did. The sun never shined and was always behind the clouds, but it made for an interesting sunset nonetheless. An awesome storm cloud dominates the northwest sky. The clouds in front of the sun has a golden glow. -- dalekphotography.com
June 1st, 2020
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Comments (7)

Mary Lynn Giacomini
Amazing sunset and reflection with dramatic clouds in this stunning photography Dale. L/F

Bette Devine
A superbly beautiful image. Almost 3D so that I feel that I am looking at the real landscape!